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A strategic collaboration agreement between Laniado Hospital and hospitals in China – NJPH and HFPH from the Hangzhou district was signed today in a solemn ceremony.

A strategic collaboration agreement between Laniado Hospital and hospitals in China – NJPH and HFPH from the Hangzhou district was signed today in a solemn ceremony.

A delegation of 15 staff members from both hospitals visited the hospital today to sign the agreement. The presidents of the hospitals: Xu Daoling of HJPH and Xu Keping of HFPH, headed the delegation.

A strategic agreement was signed between Laniado Hospital and two hospitals in Hangzhou, China. Both NJPH and HFPH hospitals serve approximately 20 million residents of Hangzhou. The Chinese delegation included the presidents of both hospitals as well as department directors and management staff, who were welcomed by Laniado Hospital management headed by the CEO, Nadav Chen; Medical Director, Prof. Zvi Shimoni; Head of the Pelvic Floor Unit, Prof. Marc Beer-Gabel; Head of Surgery, Dr. Moris Venturero; Head of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Dr. Yael Yekel, and other department heads.

Professor Beer-Gabel, the patron of the strategic collaboration agreement, is globally renowned in his field and visited China often to share his extensive knowledge with colleagues in the fields of Gynecology, Surgery and others.

The collaboration agreement deals with a wide range of matters, including exchange of clinical delegations, sharing of administrative and managerial knowledge and more. The agreement was signed after Prof. Marc Beer-Gabel promoted the collaboration for the sake of the health and welfare of millions of residents of China and about 500,000 residents of Netanya and the Sharon region.

The distinguished delegation toured the Maternity Center and took great interest in clinical procedures among multiparous women, because soon, the Chinese parliament is supposed to allow the birth of three children. Present Chinese law does not permit it. The  expected increase in number of births led to the Chinese Health Ministry to understand that there is an urgent need to establish clinical pelvic floor treatment centers – Prof. Beer-Gabel’s specialty. Just recently, such a department was inaugurated at NJPH Hospital. The tour of the Maternity Center (Obstetrics ER and delivery rooms) was led by the division director, Dr. Yael Yekel. The delegation also toured the new NICU, met with staff members and was deeply impressed by Laniado Hospital management’s investment in fortifying the department and in the most advanced equipment. Furthermore, the delegation toured the Surgery Department, where a comprehensive discussion of the collaboration took place between gynecologists and surgeons on pelvic floor issues.

The presidents of both Chinese hospitals, Xu Daoling of HJPH and Xu Keping of HFPH, presented the impressive clinical activity at the hospitals and expressed great appreciation of Prof. Marc Beer-Gabel’s international clinical activity.

During the event, the Head of the Pelvic Floor Unit at Laniado Hospital,  Prof. Marc Beer-Gabel said “this is a collaboration that starts with the pelvic floor field, but we believe it will expand to other clinical disciplines. A delegation of several physicians from China has already spent an entire month studying at Laniado Hospital. This news is particularly important to Chinese women, but Chinese men also need various pelvic floor treatments.

Nadav Chen, Laniado Hospital’s CEO* thanked the hospital presidents for visiting and signing the agreement and stated “Not every day are collaborations agreements signed with two hospitals that serve 20 million people. The professional relationship developed by Prof. Marc. Beer-Gable with colleagues in China enabled us to disclose our extensive knowledge and experience at Laniado, mainly in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, to the staff of both hospitals in China. We’ll continue to deepen and develop this collaboration along with other international collaborations.”