Message from the CEO

Message from the CEO

Laniado is a community hospital that provides clinical services to about half a million people in Netanya and the entire Sharon region. We are responsible for upholding the vision of the great founder, Sanz Rebbe zt”l.

The Rabbi lost his wife and eleven children in the Holocaust, was injured himself and vowed to establish a medical center in Israel if he was rescued from the hell – and that is what he did.

His basic principles are a source of inspiration for intensive practice round the clock for the sake of any person regardless of religion, race or sex.

The medical center hires physicians until old age. It is a place of great hope with all staff having a strong desire to do their utmost for all patients through professional, respectful and dedicated medical service with compassion and plenty of love. The pursuit of excellence leads at all times.

The staff carrying out our wish is a multidisciplinary team consisting of physicians, nurses and a wide range of allied health professionals. Their sole purpose is to extend the life expectancy and improve the quality of life of the patient, and hopefully, return them home to their family once the treatment is complete.

Laniado Hospital consists of several buildings on a campus covering several thousand square meters. We work daily to expand the clinical services, open new units and departments, hire quality and reputable staff and purchase advanced medical equipment and instrumentation. We maintain collaborations with various medical centers in Israel and worldwide – for the welfare and health of our patients.

The hospital employs over 2,200 employees in service in different departments and units, who offer high quality care in a very wide range of fields. The staff typically has a humane, patient-oriented therapeutic approach. We believe the mood of the patients affects their healing and consider improving their mental and emotional state as part of our practice and care.

The constant rise in the number of referrals for medical care at Laniado Hospital indicates the great trust of the residents of Netanya and the Sharon area in the clinical, nursing and allied health practice at the hospital.

This rise is also measured in inspections by external parties. Many reports of the Ministry of Health and other parties indicate high scores in the clinical quality indicators, as well as the patient experience indicators in which we excel.

With a forward-looking view, we adapt ourselves to the needs of the Netanya and Sharon area population, and mainly demographic growth.

  • Building a new, protected Department of Emergency Medicine
  • Building an inpatient tower containing all inpatient departments
  • Logistics areas and more

We engage in development and upgrade, from the aspect of design, raising the relevant resources, and human resources.

I invite you to visit our site to see our professional, quality and innovative clinical work.

We wish all visitors, patients and their families

good health!

Nadav Chen, Laniado Hospital CEO