
Our history

Laniado Hospital was founded in 1976 by the late Rabbi Yekusiel Yehuda Halberstam, Sanz Klausenberg Rebbe, who lost his wife, eleven children and many relatives in the Holocaust. He remained alone to deal with the unbelievable suffering of that period on his own. Many miracles and amazing tales are told about the Rabbi’s path in the Holocaust.

““I remember them shooting my hand,” recalls the Sanz Klausenberg Rebbe, “I was scared to go to the clinic, which was held by Nazis even though they were physicians. I knew if I went there, I would never get out alive. What did I do when they shot and injured me? Despite being afraid of the Nazis, I approached a tree, picked a leaf and affixed it tightly to the wound to stem the bleeding. Afterwards I picked a branch and tied it around the wound to hold the leaf. G-d helped; within 3 days I healed. Then I undertook, should G-d give me life and I recover, because at the time I looked like a Muselmann (malnourished), to build a hospital based on the physicians and nurses believing in G-d, and knowing that when they cure a patient, they’re obeying the greatest commandment in the Torah.”

Laniado Hospital is named after two brothers, Alphonse and Yaakov Avraham Laniado, from Aleppo, Syria. At some stage of their lives, the brothers moved to Switzerland where they managed the family bank. In their wills, they emphasized that their estate would only be transferred to opening a hospital in Israel called Laniado. Although the initial amounts for establishment of the hospital were provided by the brothers, the rest was from donations collected by the Rabbi.

Our present story

The hospital is a non-profit public corporation headed by the global Board of Trustees. It is based on Halacha requirements down to the finest detail. Laniado Hospital never strikes and treats every person, regardless of religion, race and nationality.

Laniado Hospital has 460 beds and more than 60 inpatient departments, medical units, institutes, laboratories and administration and logistics departments. Outpatient clinics that serve the residents of the area operate next to the medical center, including Gynecology, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Surgery, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, ENT, Cardiology and others.

Laniado is the only hospital in the greater Netanya area and provides its services to about 500,000 people.

Our future

In 1976, the medical center opened with an obstetrics department. One after another, more and more departments were opened: Internal Medicine, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics, Surgery, ENT, Intensive Care, Gynecology, Dialysis, Hematology, Gastroenterology, Oncology, Catheterization Unit, Orthopedics and more.

The medical center was constructed mainly from the donations of philanthropists who donated and continue to donate generously to construction, equipment, devices and the multiple budgets required by its operators for its daily maintenance. To ensure a regular influx of funds, friends associations were established headed by the International Board of Trustees.

The medical center implements the most innovative methods: the instrumentation, tools, and expertise and skills of the staff have earned the Sanz Medical Center its reputation as one of the leading medical centers in Israel.

The vision for establishment of the hospital is found in the basic principles of the late Sanz Rebbe who said: “To do everything possible to relieve the pain and suffering of the patients. To improve their mood and spirit.” Laniado Hospital is dedicated to the Sanz Rebbe’s view: The hospital will give help to any person, which will be help that comes from the heart and not purely technical help. The hospital will operate professionally without forgetting the most important aspect of kindness, warm attention, consideration and empathy to the patient.