Religious services at Laniado Hospital-EN

Religious services at Laniado Hospital 

The hospital’s rabbis are available by phone and would be pleased to answer and assist with any question.

Rabbi Mordechai Levinstein – 053-3104918, Rabbi Hillel Deutsch – 054-8421490

Head of Religious Relations: Rabbi Hillel Kasman – 058-7624668

Laniado Hospital – Sanz Medical Center was founded by late Sanz Rebbe zt”l and is managed entirely by religious staff under the supervision of the President, Rebbe Shlit”a.

In his basic principles, the late Sanz Rebbe zt”l wrote “to ensure that all the mitzvot of the Thora are observed at the hospital according to the laws of Shulchan Aruch and Poskim.”

Prayer times:

The synagogue is located on the ground floor of the east building. (East Wing, Old Building, next to the dining room).

Weekday prayer times:

Shacharit prayer: 6:45 a.m.


*First minyan:

In the synagogue at 1:00 p.m. (only during winter clock times)

*Second minyan:

In the synagogue at 1:20 p.m.

*Third minyan:

Opposite the Obstetrics Department at 1:20 p.m.

*Fourth minyan:

.In Chicago Hall (Nursing School Building – on -1 level) at 2:35 p.m

Aravit prayer: 8:45 p.m.

Prayer times on Shabbat and holidays:

Mincha – Erev Shabbat – at candle lighting time

Shabbat Shacharit: 7:15 a.m.

Shabbat Mincha – 10 minutes before candle lighting time

Aravit Motzei Shabbat – according to Rabbainu Tam time.

Minyans are also held continuously at the Central Beit Midrash, Ohel Nehemiah Kiryat Sanz (on Divrei Haim Street, adjacent to the hospital).

Daily shiur sheet: Held at the synagogue, Maggid Shiur Rabbi Shimshon Blumenthal Shlit”a. Shiur times are posted on the synagogue noticeboard.

Tefillin: Every department is equipped with a religious cabinet containing tefillin and sidurim, please ask the nurse.

When necessary, please contact Rabbi Baruch Hershkowitz: 054-846000

Food kashrut:

All Halacha and kashrut matters at the Medical Center are according to halachic principles and under the close supervision of the hospital’s Rabbis, Rabbi Mordechai Levenstein Shlit”a and Rabbi Hillel Deutsch Shlit”a, and under close supervision of mashgichim.

All Halacha and kashrut matters at the Medical Center are according to halachic principles and under the close supervision of the hospital’s Rabbis, Rabbi Mordechai Levenstein Shlit”a and Rabbi Hillel Deutsch Shlit”a, and under close supervision of mashgichim.

  • The food products are very carefully inspected and purchased from recognized and certified (Mehuderet) suppliers only, under the supervision of the hospital’s Rabbis. Meat and poultry products are from Kehila Kedosha Sanz or Rabbi Landau kashrut only. [Chalak Bet Yosef meat is also available]
  • The fruit and vegetables are free of tevel , orla and shevi’it.
  • Greens are pest-free and grown under Mehuderet supervision only.
  • Meticulous and Mehuderet supervision of all cooking arrangements.
  • Meat and milk are completely separated in the main kitchen during cooking (including steam) and in the different departments.
  • The hospital has separate dishwasher systems for meat and milk (including serving trays).
  • There is no pareve cooking. All cooked food is either dairy or meat only.
  • The cooking is Bishul Yisrael, although in accordance with Maran Beit Yosef, there is no cooking by non-Jews.
  • During a shmita year, all fruit and vegetables are non-Jewish produce (Yivul Nochri) with Edah HaChareidis kashrut.
  • The food stores and automatic slicing machines at the hospital are under the supervision of Kehila Kedosha Sanz.
  • Do not bring any food products onto the hospital premises.
  • Shabbat:

  • Regarding the laws of Shabbat, the customary approach at the hospital is  not asking a non-Jew to perform prohibited activities on Shabat , and not relying on Gemara.
  • The Shabbat and holiday end times by local practice, are usually according to Rabbenu Tam.
  • Shabbat start and end times are published permanently on the noticeboard.
  • Items forbidden for use on Shabbat: Before Shabbat begins, items forbidden for use on Shabbat can be stored with the head nurse of each department until Shabbat ends. The equipment will be kept in a locked cabinet.
  • People arriving on Shabbat by car can ask the security guard (non-Jew) at the entrance, who will lock the car and keep the keys in the security station until Shabbat ends.
  • Cooked food: All cooked food served at the hospital is prepared before Shabbat begins.
  • Shabbat hot plates are approved for use.
  • The refrigerators have no lights and are permitted for use.
  • The hot water temperature in showers and bath taps is less than ‘Yad Soledet Bo.’
  • Elevators: There are no elevators on Shabbat. When necessary, contact the nurse. There is a typist appointed on behalf of the hospital for this service posted permanently next to the elevator. (The elevators are operated by a non-Jew).
  • Writing: All departments have skilled Shabbat typists beside the medical and nursing staff in the department.
  • Shabbat candles: There is a tray with ready-to-light Shabbat candles at your disposal in every department. Do not light Shabbat candles in inpatient rooms, but only at the designated site.
  • Kiddush and Havdalah: The staff in the departments will be happy to provide you with the equipment required for Kiddush and Havdalah at the end of Shabbat and holidays, as well as two Shabbat loaves. For your convenience, there are teams in departments who say Kiddush and Havdalah.
  • Shabbat and holiday meals for companions: Meals for the companions of patients are held in the hospital dining room next to the synagogue.
  • Eruv: The hospital is located within the Kehila Kedosha Sanz eruv.

Holidays and festivals:

The religious needs around the year are provided as required: Shofar blowing in every department, adorned sukkot in spaces, Mehudar four species, hannukkah candles, reading the megillah, and conducting a Pessach seder.
Pessach – the holiday is conducted at the hospital according to Hidurim & Chumros. All special devices and utensils for Pessach, hand-made matzot under the supervision of Kehila Kedosha Sanz Badatz, and without wetted matzah.

Kedushat Cohanim:

To update Cohens in real time on Defilement by the dead, electronic signs have been posted at all entrance doors to the hospital, informing in real time through a computer system if there are deceased present on the campus at that time.

Contacting the hospital rabbis:

The Medical Center’s rabbis are available to answer any Halacha and practice question arising on while you on the hospital premises.

Rabbi Mordechai Levinstein – 053-3104918, Rabbi Hillel Deutsch – 054-8421490

For questions and comments on kashrut issues, please contact:

The Mashgiach Kashrut, Rabbi Sher – 052-2590000, Rabbi Yekutiel Yehuda Shtamer, Kashrut Supervisor of Kehila Kedosha Sanz – 054-8525420

For any efficiency comments or suggestions, please contact the Head of Religious Relations

Rabbi Hillel Kasman – 058-7624668 , Mail:

Shabbat accommodation for companions:

In the Kehilat Sanz Chesed Center, 5 Rabbi Tarfon Street, a 5-minute walk away.
For coordination purposes, please contact Rabbi Herschel Eidels – 054-8407002

Near the hospital:
Lev Tov Accommodation – 058–3242417

Family hospitality:
Rabbi Peisch Levy – 052-766332