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The Ministry of Health’s quality indicator report states: Patients receive initial care within 4 minutes of entering Laniado Hospital’s emergency room.

The Ministry of Health’s quality indicator report states: Patients receive initial care within 4 minutes of entering Laniado Hospital’s emergency room.

The Ministry of Health’s quality indicator report published today states: The Department of Emergency Medicine at Laniado Hospital provides initial care within only 4 minutes of entering the department. The short time is a commendation to the department staff, who have reached second place on the national level against all hospitals in Israel. Many other reviewed indicators dealing with a wide range of treatments, tests and consultations indicate that all departments comply with national criteria. For example, in the indicator that reviews performance of hip replacement surgery within 48 hours of diagnosis – the national target was 85%, which Laniado Hospital’s Orthopedic Department meets successfully. Similarly, in the indicator that reviews performance of cerebral ischemia risk assessment for patients with arterial fibrillation – the national indicator was 80%, which the staff of the Neurology and Cardiology departments at Laniado Hospital complies with. Furthermore, in the indicator reviewing performance of a carotid duplex within 3 days of diagnosis of a transient ischemic attack – the national target was 85%, which Laniado Hospital’ Imaging Department staff complies with. The general indicator, which is referred to as the League Table report, weighed the indicators compared to hospitals with a similar volume of activity, in various geographic regions in Israel Extremely impressive data are apparent in the general indicator – compliance by all Laniado Hospital departments with 9.99 out of 10 optional indicators.

Prof. Zvi Shimoni, Director of Laniado Hospital, reviewed the report data and said “I’m looking at two important figures: The indicator that reviews provision of service in the Department of Emergency Medicine (ER) within 4 minutes of entering the department – a department that receives about 80,000 visits per year. This is an enormous commendation for the entire staff! To succeed in providing service within 4 hours is the result of patient-oriented practice within the department. Furthermore, the remarkable general figure that reviewed all indicators shows task-committed, professional and dedicated medical and nursing staff. Undoubtedly, the patients and their relatives reap the result of the tremendous investment.

Nadav Chen, CEO of Laniado Hospital, received the report data with great satisfaction and said the clinical work performed in all divisions and departments indicate respectable compliance with national clinical standards. As an organization engaged in saving lives and improving quality of life, every positive point in an indicator affects the lives of many patients and the circles around them. We, as the management, will continue to invest resources in continual improvement for the sake of the health and welfare of about 500,000 residents of Netanya and the Sharon region.