Patient Information at Outpatient Clinics

Patient Information at Outpatient Clinics

Laniado Hospital’s outpatient clinics and institutes operate in full cooperation with all HMOs.

To schedule an appointment, please send:

  • A referral from your family physician/specific specialist
  • Financial commitment from the financing party (Form 17) and/or alternatively credit card details.
  • All documents on past treatments and tests must be sent in advance.

When arriving for a pre-scheduled appointment, please bring an ID document with you. It is important to note that the estimated waiting time is up to two hours, based on various clinical considerations and appointment overload. Please be patient.

When arriving for a consultation/treatment at the orthopedic clinics and for invasive tests, please bring a companion with you.

.You can make an appointment through the Appointment Hotline no. 09-8609336